Taking Care of Our Mental Health, When It's Time to Make a Change

How do we know when something is good or bad for us? As a rule of thumb, Dr. Monica Vermani, Clinical Psychologist, and author of A Deeper Wellness: Conquering Stress, Mood, Anxiety and Traumas, tell us that “when more days than not” don’t feel right either because there is fighting, cold silences, or passive aggression, then it’s time to make a change.


Using this rule from Dr. Monica Vermani, who has been featured on media outlets such as CTV NewsNews Channel 8 WFLAWell and GoodHuffPostMartha StewartCNN Health and publishes her own blog on Psychology Today, A Deeper Wellness, can help us take care of our mental health throughout the year:


  • We can learn to take care of our mental health, just as we take care of our physical health and wellbeing.
  • If, on more days than not, you are sad, feeling depressed, lonely, isolated, suffering from high anxiety or pervasive. feelings of being lost or of hopelessness, or negative ruminating thoughts of self-harm, you need to seek help for your mental health.
  • We do not need to feel happy and content every day, but if you are feeling BAD versus GOOD, HOPELESS rather that OPTIMISTIC,  in low rather than high self-esteem on more days than not, it is a sign that you are struggling.
  • There are supports that can help… and you don’t have to be in a critical mental health crisis to seek help.
  • Remember, just as you wouldn’t walk around with the pain of a broken ankle, you should not have to struggle with your mental health.
One of Canada’s highest-rated clinical psychologists, Dr. Monica Vermani provides a multi-faceted treatment approach to treating adolescents and adults suffering from trauma/abuse, mood, anxiety, substance addictions, and other related conditions and disorders, as well as family and couples therapy. She employs a dynamic range of techniques and evidence-based treatment modalities, including psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, (CBT), Mindfulness Meditation, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR). Dr. Vermani believes that good mental health doesn’t just happen, that it deserves the same time, attention, understanding, and effort as our physical well-being. Dr. Vermani’s latest book, A Deeper Wellness: Conquering Stress, Mood, Anxiety and Traumas, and its companion online A Deeper Wellness Life Lessons mental health program provide the tools to create a deep, authentic sense of wellness and well-being. 


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