Helpful Group for Children of Stroke Survivors

Support is a wonderful thing, knowing that you are not alone and having the chance to "talk" with those who truly understand what you are going through is wonderful. I belong to a fantastic Facebook group for Wives of Stroke Survivors, it is a G-dsend when I am having a difficult time. The administrators of the wonderful Facebook group I belong to started one for children of stroke survivors called My Parent is a "Stroke Survivor" My Parent is a "Stroke Survivor" (click link) This is a moderated, private and SAFE place for our youth Here is the group description: This space has been set aside for, YOU, the children of Stroke Surviving Parents. It is a SAFE place for you to share your concerns, heartaches, anger and grief. In addition, please share the good things you experience along this journey that you have found yourself on. Please keep in mind that all posts will be filtered and those containing language or situati...